福克斯新闻主持人劳拉·英格拉哈姆采访的匿名 “内华达州民意调查工作者” 实际上是唐纳德·特朗普本人。
On Nov. 10, 2020, Fox News host Laura Ingraham conducted an interview with an anonymous person whose voice and face were masked, who claimed he was a Nevada poll worker and that he had witnessed “rampant voter fraud” occurring in that state.
Video of an excerpt from that interview was posted by a Twitter user who pointed out that the disguised interview subject was, quite obviously, a thinly-disguised version of President Donald Trump himself:
This is definitely Trump pic.twitter.com/EuO1CrjK51
— Nick Lutsko (@NickLutsko) November 11, 2020
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